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Wildest Dreams

Wildest Dreams Watercolour on paper, 2024

Return of the Swallows

Return of the Swallows Watercolour, 2023

Rainbow Torus

Rainbow Torus Watercolour, 2022

Turning of the Tide

Turning of the Tide Watercolour, 2022

Wild Roses

Wild Roses Watercolour, 2020 Celebrating the Wild Roses of the British Isles

Dreaming Into Stillness

Dreaming Into Stillness Watercolour 2019 An introspective mandala, with hibernating hedgehog, held within a nest of oak, beech, hazel and willow leaves. Robin, Goldcrest and Herb Robert are sentinels protecting the space!

A Symphony of Spring

'A Symphony of Spring' Watercolour, 2019 'Unfurling with song-sweet delight Into fragrant, heart-filled optimism'


'Emerging' Watercolour on paper, 2018 Dragonfly medicine mandala

Spiral of Life

Spiral of Life Acrylic on Canvas, 2018 ‘ What a precious privilege it is to be alive - to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love’ - Marcus Aurelius

Beneath the Waves

Beneath the Waves Acrylic on canvas, 2016, 150 x 150cm An invitation to dive deep below the surface, to explore the mystery of the waters of life. Can we trust the flow of life to take us where we are meant to be, even when the landscape is unfamiliar?


Affirmation watercolour on paper, 2014/15 Within the still-point of dreaming time, in the pause between breaths, we hold a precious seed, of light returning; a promise of life, proven only by time.

Earth Ki

Earth Ki Acrylic on fabric, 2013 180x180 cm A celebration of and meditation upon the verdant growth and energy of the land. An expression of the Reiki mantra 'cho-ku-rei', which invokes a grounded healing energy relating to the physical body.

Cletwr Community Mandala

Cletwr Mandala 120 x 120cm Acrylic on plywood, 2016 This mandala was created communally, as a mural to be sited outside a community-run shop and cafe flourishing on the site of a former service station in west Wales. To view the film ' The Birth of a Mandala' click on the image and follow the link.

The Gift of the Grain

The Gift of the Grain Watercolour on paper, 2015 Giving thanks for all we have sown, nurtured and grown. Fed by sun and rain: this golden grain.

Heavenly Ki

Heavenly Ki Acrylic on fabric, 180 x 180cm, 2013 This Mandala is a prayer for healing on an emotional and spiritual level, created using the geometry of seven, and the Reiki mantra 'sei-hei ki'. It holds a sense of gentle protected healing space


Samhain Watercolour on paper, 2010 Into the evening, dusky illumination opens veils between worlds; Unraveling death and reintegration; visioning something new.


Full Moon Watercolour on paper, 2009 Moonlight within darkness; watchful Introspection, dreamtime illumination; night prowls.

Celandines and Violets

Celandines and Violets Watercolour on paper, 2009 With perfect precision, familiar faces emerge, as small anchors of certainty; shining constellations to orientate by.

Calendula and Borage

Calendula and Borage Watercolour, 2017


Midsummer Watercolour on paper, 2007 Awake to life and alive to all that may be. Open flowers of possibility in tender radiance.


Snowdrops Watercolour on paper, 2010


May Watercolour on paper, 2007 The flowering of the year; fertile and fragrant promise, rampant growth, boundless energy, from deep within the Earth.

Spiralling Fire

Spiralling Fire Watercolour on paper, 2008 Swirling change, witnessed by fire. Absorbed and transformed,in Ceremony.


Earth Matrix Watercolour on paper, 2010 Melt in the mud of acceptance, feed the fertile seed of forgiveness, Heed the trusting heart of the Grandmother, be at one with the dirt and be Earth!

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